вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

baseball instructions il

So I think maybe Iapos;ll talk a little about the past and whatapos;s happened recently. For those of you who are vehemetly anti-emo leave now or forever hold your piece. In this entry Iapos;m going to talk about my childhood-ish. Mostly about my dad when I was younger. This is prevelent because I was just having a talk with my friend Ian about this thing that recently happened back home. My dad hit my younger sister. I know everyone is now probably thinking what kind of person am I to talk about it so nonchalantly, but the fact that my dad hit someone isnapos;t a surprise. What surprised me was that it was my sister Calcie, who up until now was never beaten (unlike my brother Kyran and myself, and I was never beaten as badly as my brother). I know it sounds terrible. Compared to a lot of pampered little brats out there it was, but compared to a lot of others we had it pretty good. Especially when my dad started to grow up. He was still a prick, but at least he wasnapos;t beating anyone (Iapos;ve never really been sure if beating is the right word, it was never like on tv, or in novels). Now, donapos;t get me wrong, I love my dad very much. Heapos;s very important to me and I donapos;t know what Iapos;d have done without him. But then over the summer my dad found out he had thyroid cancer. I guess thereapos;s a little bit of a hormone imbalance because he started getting grumpier than usual. Then, just recently, he opened his own computer store. Iapos;m really proud of him for it. But my sister was apparently at her wits end and so provoked him. She pretty much told him to beat her I guess and so he did. And then my family didnapos;t even tell me about it. That really hurt. It also really hurt knowing that I couldnapos;t protect her, although Iapos;m so proud of my brother. I guess he stood up to my dad and wouldnapos;t let him go after my sister when she ran out of the house. I just really wish that life were simpler.
Anyway, I was talking to my friend Ian tonight about it, and even though I donapos;t think he would ever admit it, I think heapos;s extremely mad about the way things have been going on. I do appreciate that he sat on AIM with me while I cried (even though Iapos;m sure he didnapos;t know about that part). Iapos;m really glad that I have him, now that Iapos;ve been lucky enough to have him around I donapos;t know what Iapos;m going to do with out him when we eventually go our own ways....
Anyways, as always-questions in the comments. Next time I think Iapos;ll talk about some of my boy problems. So stay tuned folks. This has been your host Neesha.

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